Converge and Cerner

Since Cerner acquired from Siemens, the Clinical Information System has seen immense innovation and the value to clients has increased exponentially. It is incontestable that Cerner is serious about healthcare, and serious about, which represents the Clinical Information module of the SAP Healthcare solution.

During times like these, we are reminded how we need to adapt in order to remain relevant. For hospitals this means, amongst other things, embracing pervasive technology as an enabler of repeatable, reliable, evidence-based healthcare outcomes. Efficiency, speed and personalised care become more achievable, when the correct technology is deployed.

Hospitals that have fully embraced this digital journey, have realised that the cost of IT is a fraction of the operational savings that can be achieved when digital healthcare is fully embraced.

Converge is a Cerner Connected Member, with a highly qualified Cerner team. Cerner is a perfect clinical information system for your SAP hospital information management system, adding rich clinical capability that improves patient care, elevates the healthcare professional’s engagement and reduces liability to you as a healthcare organisation.