Converge hosts InterimIC

Oct, 2018

A delegation from InterimIC ( visited South Africa during the month of October. Converge Solutions had the privilege of hosting the InterimIC team to discuss healthcare in emerging economies, specifically some of the key similarities and differences when compared to developed countries. It was certainly a very insightful discussion and we look forward to future collaboration with InterimIC.

The challenge in Africa – and other emerging economies – is a complex one. It is through community, thought leadership, courage and no small amount of investment that it will be resolved. However, in the short term, public sector woes will already largely be addressed if we can find ways to ensure that funding is correctly appropriated. We have brilliant healthcare facilities and visionary healthcare leaders in South Africa. Some of the challenges that were highlighted during the InterimIC visit included lagging legislation, lack of healthcare professionals, under-spending by healthcare organisations and sadly, fraud in public sector spending, which means the funds never reach the intended recipients.

We will continue to work with global entities to explore methods to make helathcare more accessible, reliable and affordable to the insured and uninsured alike. One thing is sure, we are pushing the boundaries when it comes to (un)conventional access to healthcare. We cannot hope to achieve different outcomes, by making available “more of the same”. We need to go when no-one has gone before, if we wish to achieve what no-one else has.